Friday, July 1, 2011


Otherwise known as 2 days past 6 day transfer, or 8dpo. For those who have not been inducted into the fabulous(ly sucky) world of infertility, that means it's just about time to freak the eff out. I feel like it's even crazier for me because I know for a solid fact that there is a fertilized embryo in my ute! Not only that, but a fertilized embryo that made it to blast and hatched out of its little shell. Chicky would be attaching sometime between day 6 (when it was put in) and day 10. OMG IT COULD BE TODAY! Is that what that twinge is? Do I feel nauseated?

Yes, I do. Is it baby related? No. Seriously. Chicky hasn't been attached long enough to produce enough HCG for me to feel sick already. Buuuuuuut it's fun to think. Except it's not, because I'm driving myself crazy. Although not nearly as much as last cycle. There's something comforting about knowing I have 3 beautiful babies in the freezer, and knowing that this one is growing up so fast! *sniff*. I keep getting little spurts of nervousness, but then I push them aside and force myself to not think about it. Honestly, I don't feel anything. I don't feel any different from any other day. And I'm going to just have to keep it together until test day comes. I think if it doesn't work, I'll be inconsolable for a while. It's hard not to be so incredibly hopeful when you know you have a baby in there. And it's hard not to get so attached when you know it's yours, and you see it growing and doing amazing things. Please, if you're the religious type, say some prayers for chicky and Andy and I. We're so incredibly in love.

I have just recently (within the last 5 minutes) decided that I'm starting the nesting phase of my life for real. I want everything in my house to be PERFECT so when my little one arrives it has this perfect little environment. I want to go through everything and get rid of old clothes, store our "Extra" stuff, and clean everything top to bottom. My house could probably use this anyway since it hasn't been scrubbed since we moved in. We clean it on the regular, but I mean a REAL cleaning. So I think I'm going to start that process tonight. Tomorrow Andy is working all day, so I have a date with Swamp Shark (Recorded from alst week on Scifi. YES).

1 comment:

  1. I hear you. The 2WW always brings out my crazy! Anyway, good luck nesting. I have a feeling you'll be glad you got a head start! I'm praying for you guys--especially Chicky!

    ps: I awarded you the Overlord Award =)
