I'm 6 weeks 4 days today and my ultrasound is tomorrow. I'm SO nervous. I just love this kid so much. And I'm encouraged by the fact that my morning sickness took a turn for the even worse today. I find that I get more nausea when I get up earlier. I spent a lot of this morning dry heaving and trying not to throw up. But eventually I gave in. I just couldn't take it anymore, and my first real pregnancy vomit came around 6:10. It was horrendous. There was so little in my stomach but my body was just not happy, and by the end I was spitting up blood.
Now this is not to say I'm ungrateful. I would do this each and every day do keep this baby growing. Every bout of morning sickness is a reminder that I have a beautiful little baby growing and developing inside me and it's such a miracle.
I'm not sure what I was expecting, but morning sickness is the pits. It really is just sitting here all day feeling nauseated, unable to concentrate, waiting to vomit or dry heave or.. something. So I'm going to ask for Zofran tomorrow. My coworker told me to try orange juice, so I'm about to go downstairs and get some.
My husband's car is still in the shop so I'm stuck at work from 7:00 - 5:30 tonight which is not something I'm excited about. And Andy feels awful 'cause he knows I'm sick. I'm SO glad I took the day off tomorrow for my appointments. I need it and I plan to rest for every part of the day I'm not at the doctor.
People at work have picked up on me being pregnant because I'm carrying around Ginger ale like it's life support. I just can't help it. I need it.
So that's my update. I want to stay in bed and watch tv all day. But again... as much as nausea sucks, I will take it time and time again. I've never welcomed something that feels so bad with such open arms. I love this baby so much and I'm just praying for a good ultrasound tomorrow.
Update: A note for all of you lovely ladies who will hopefully be soon feeling the nausea with me. OJ is good. I drank OJ and a real coke (haven't had a drop of caffeine in a month) and my stomach finally settled down after 4 hours. I was able to eat someting at 1:00. Still queasy, but I can at least concentrate. Thank you OJ!
I can't wait to hear how your ultrasound goes. Crossing my fingers for a healthy chicky!!