Today I'm on cloud nine. I just got the unbelievable news that I've been hoping and praying for - our second embryo made it to freeze! Just 6 days ago I sat in the recovery room crying because we "only" got 6 eggs. I cried again on Wednesday when I heard that only 3 fertilized. And today I'm light as air because we have a snowbaby. I was on pins and needles all weekend waiting, afraid that no news was bad news. I called the nurse this morning and she called me back and let me know our beautiful little fighter was still waiting for us. She said they normally watch the ones to freeze a little longer, but it made it to the stage they wanted to see early, so they froze it. What's neat about that is knowing that our little one could've been a 5 day transfer. So hopefully the one inside me could've too. They were growing exactly the same, so I'm tellng myself the one in my uterus is that stage too! Praise God! A frostie!!
Andy and I were talking yesterday. He was feeling really down. He'd had a terrible day and I wasn't really helping. I was bothering him about going back to school, and it wasn't the day for it. He's excited about it, but when he has a bad day he gets negative thinking it won't work out, so I should've left him alone, but I was being a jerk. So I sent him a message this morning and apologized and he called me. He told me he's having a really rough couple of days and he's feeling down, but the prospect of having this baby outweighs all of it. I could've cried right then. My husband is just so great. He's not perfect. I'm not perfect, but we're perfect for each other, and it's coming out now just how much he loves this child and it's so, so cool to see.
I called him a little after that to tell him about our frozen baby, which we've nicknamed "'lil miss" because we think it's a girl, and his whole mood changed. He exlaimed "OH COOL!" like the darkness had been lifted lol. He was so happy.
I have so many phantom symptoms today. I'm sore and crampy and I keep thinking "It's not too early for implantation!" Lol. I'm ridiculous. But I'm so hopeful this one is strong and burrowing in for the long haul. Today is such a great day. After all of this we have a beautiful blast good enough to freeze. It just doesn't get any better than that!
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