As predicted, the witch is here. I'm not excited about it, but I'm glad to be starting anew. To be honest, my equivalent "ovulation" date was 20 days ago, and it was starting to HURT in there. Granted, it hurts today, but I know there's a reason for it.
My nurse calles while I was in with the kidney doctor and when I finally got to talk to her I explained that we wanted to do another fresh cycle. She told me to start BCPs on Wednesday, and that my doctor would call me to discuss what's next. She actually called a few minutes ago, but I was in a meeting. I suppose we don't need to know today exactly what we're doing, but I want to have it set as soon as possible so I can get my schedule and pay the deposit and just be ready to go. Unfrotunately I am extremely busy at work right now, so I might have to have her talk to Andy. For right now, I just want to know what she's thinking of for a protocol and I want him to let her know we already have a box of menopur.
I can't believe we're doing this so quickly. I'm happy about it, but it's weird. I expected to have to wait longer and I'm so thankful that we don't!
I did speak to my nephrologist this morning, who was completely on board with me about our plans. We're going to keep working on the baby and doing IVF, then re-visit what to do with my kidneys once the baby's born. He says my kidneys still look ok and there's nothing we can do while trying to conceive, so we're going to keep trying and then get back on my blood pressure medication which helps with the protein loss. I'm so glad he's with me on that.
Really, this second procedure is so much less stressful already. Last time I as on BCPs for 5 weeks waiting for the doctors to talk. I was trying desperately to lose the weight. I had no clue what to expect. At this point most of that is sorted out, and I have at least some idea of what to expect, though I hope with a different protocol things go slower and the follies grow evenly so we can get more this time!
We're going to have to put a little bit on our credit cards this time for meds, but it should get paid off pretty quickly, and we'll be socking money into savings in time to freeze any leftover embies. Things are moving along so fast. 3-4 weeks and I'll be stimming again!!!!
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