Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Money and Socks

I haven't updated my costs since the end of the cycle, and I think I have an actual official total.

SHG - $100
Day 3 blood work and ultrasound - $145
HSG - $231.50
Deposit - $3250
ICSI deposit - $250
Meds - $1578.19
Lupron - $10
Injection Class - $10.50
Embryo Freezing & Storage - $555
Account Credit - $405 $808.31
Total: $5725.19 $5321.88

We found out today that freezing 1 embryo is much cheaper than freezing multiple embryos, so it was only $555 including the storage fee. We also got our financial paperwork for IVF #2 which said our deposit was only $3095 because we had a credit. So all told, cycle 1 was under $6000 including pre-cycle testing. We're thinking that with our leftover boxes of menopur and endometrin, and the 1 ganirelix syringe, our meds might be cheaper this time. We already had a $3500 loan, so the extra $400 will go towards meds. It looks like we'll have to put very little of this cycle on credit, which is awesome. Plus, I'd kept a bunch of extra money thinking our freezing billing was incorrect, so now I can pay off the card I paid for my car repairs with. So I'm back to having no credit card debt, and with our savings paying for meds, only a few hundred bucks are going on Andy's card. YAY! That means more money can go straight into savings for baby stuff.

Also, one of the TTC message boards I participate in did a "sock exchange". The premise being that since we spend so much time in stirrups, we might as well have some fun with it. They're supposed to bring luck. It's a really cute idea, and I've been feeling a little down today, but I got my socks today and it made me so happy. I actually got socks from two people, though only one was my assigned sock buddy. I got a card as well, which was incredibly sweet, and said she picked out the star socks seen below to encourage rock"star" embies. SO CUTE.

The shark socks are from another girl I met on the board who shares my affinity for sharks. Greatest girls ever. This completely made my day. I'm going to wear the sharks to my first ultrasound, and the stars will be my transfer socks. These were just what I needed!!

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