Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Trigger Time!

Most likely, anyway. Everyone kept saying it would be today and I hope they're right because I'm just plain out of meds. And I already got off. And it would give me a 4 day weekend! And Andy wouldn't have to take a day off for transfer because it would either be Sunday or Tuesday - his days off. So what's the verdict for today? Well, she only measured 12 again, but here are their stats.



So basically tons of mature follicles if the rest are like these. The smallest is a 15, and even that could yield a mature egg since it will keep growing. The tech asked me how many eggs I got last time and I said "5 mature" and she said "Oh you'll get more this time". So that was nice to hear. I feel like I've got a shot at a 5 day this time. Although that's assuming our embryos look as good as last time. They may not. But I'm hopeful.

We said a nice prayer last night and we'll say one again tonight. I've been praying all along but it's nice when we pray together. We're very excited and Andy's been taking such an interest in what I'm going through. He actually came to an ultrasound to see what they do. That was really cool, so now he's been there for every step of the process. He thanked me for doing all of it. I don't need thanks, just a healthy baby and love and support from my husband, which I've always got.

And normally I don't think too much of what I'm doing. I don't love having to get up early every day, or the blood draws since they always make me bleed a lot at this place (no one else ever does!). But I don't mind the injections or the ER and stuff. It's just part of the process for us. Our family might be created a little differently, but it's still created from the love of my husband and I putting everything we have into this.

I did forget to take my ganirelix this morning, but thankfully they had one to lend me until I can give them mine tomorrow. Thank God! I didn't want to have to be late to work when I was off early yesterday and will be out Thursday and Friday!

I am extremely uncomfortable, especially when laying down. It was hard to sleep last night, and I can feel my ovaries a lot when I move a certain way. I was uncomfortable last time and there are a lot more follicles this time. I'm actually a little worried about OHSS, so I guess we'll see what happens with that.

I'm officially out of lucky socks to wear tomorrow so I'll have to re-use for retrieval. I've had more appointments than last time. YAY. And here's today's pair:

They're actually knee socks but they don't fit comfortable all the way up so I rolled them down a little. They're super cute. But I have gained a ton of weight this cycle, so baby and I are going on weight watchers. I don't consider WW a bad thing to do during pregnancy. I get PLENTY of food, but it makes me eat healthier foods. And I'll eat whenever my body tells me I need to, but I'll eat healthier things, so I think it will be fine. There's no way the baby won't benefit from me eating healthier.

Two mroe days until ER. I can' t believe I'm here!!!


  1. Those numbers are amazing! Keeping my fingers crossed for you :)

  2. Stopping by again to say I seriously laughed out loud when I read your comment. "Dinner-plate" is exactly right! I would have flipped if that had been me! Thanks for sharing =)

  3. I have been keeping an eye on your blog. I have everything crossed for you!!!
