Because I've decided that embryo #3 (#2 still on ice) is going to stick, and is going to be a girl, I did some online shopping and picked out a nursery theme for her. I'm sort of in love with it.
I actually even like the wall color they chose, and beiges usually aren't my thing. I'm going to get a custom wall decal made of the print that's on the comforter. I really love this print and the colors. It's clearly girly, but not overtly.. well.. pink.
I also told my husband today that we're buying a house before the baby comes. It's really not an option at this point. We just don't have room for everything. So I'm really excited about making positive changes and moving forward. And I found new bedding that makes me really happy. I'm still feeling pumped about this cycle, and still confident and ready and just feeling like it's going to work. I had a fantastic daydream as I was trying to fall asleep about testing the day before beta and seeing two lines! I'm definitely waiting until the day before beta this time, because I want to know in my own time - when I'm home with my husband, not whenever they decide to call. And I don't want to test early and go through the "I'm this many dpo, could I still be pregnant!?" nonsense. I'm excited and I feel good, and I know my nurse wants to call with congrats this time. And hopefully my eggs can see this awesome bedding, 'cause then they'll really want to grow and fertilize so they can live in this room, right?
I'm weird. I know. Still... ready for some positive change!
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