So far we're not close to triggering. They said probably Tuesday or Wednesday, but I have to come in every day for monitoring. I think we'll have a few more pop up by then. We're only 4mm apart right now, so I think if we wait until the 15s are 20-22, we'll have a couple more than we do right now. I hope so anyway. I had 2 more today than I had on Friday, so we'll see. I'd really like to have 15 follicles, which isn't out of the question, but I'd be happy with 12.
My e2 was I think 940, which is awesome to me. It indicates to me that there are eggs in the follicles since none of them are mature and I've got almost 100 per follicle. Last time I think I was at about 1040 at trigger, which yielded 5 mature eggs. If my e2 keeps doubling, I'll be at about 2000 by Tuesday, so if we trigger that day I'll be in a much better place than I was last cycle. I've already gone an extra day so I'm really psyched. My lining is 10.3, so already ready.
I am definitely out of menopur completely. They didn't have any donated vials, so I had to purchase one without insurance today to get through tonight. I tried to call the pharmacy I have to use per my insurance and they were closed, which means they won't ship until tomorrow and I will, therefore, not have any for tomorrow night so I have no idea what I'm going to do. I don't mind buying it somewhere but I don't know if my insurance will reimburse me, and we really weren't prepared to spend that much. But I'm incredibly thankful that I have insurance at all, and that I live in a mandatory IVF coverage state.
Anyway, things are moving along perfectly! It looks lie I'll be stimming for 9 days this time, but possible 10. I am so freaking excited. I am really hopeful for a day 5 transfer this time.
And here are the socks I wore today. I'm running out! I have 4 more pairs, and 1 is set aside for transfer, so I hope I only stim 9 days or I'm out of socks!!
Don't mind my pasty white calf. It's getting eaten by a shark, so what can I say?
Next appointment tomorrow morning at 7:45. I'm looking for a few more follicles. We'll see what we get!
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