Saturday, June 11, 2011

It's Finally Here!

The time is almost upon us! Tomorrow I start stims! I finally decided to go through our shipment of meds, and thankfully everything was in there. I really should have done it sooner. I'm definitely beginning to feel like if there's ever an apocalypse and we have to fight for survival, my family is the one to be in. Between all the weapons my brother and my father have, the antibiotics and pain meds my parents and I have, and all of my medical supplies... all we need is food and water, and I'm pretty sure both my parents and brother have a well, and my parents live next to a reservoir, and that water could easily be purified. OK... zombie invasion discussion over. I need a hobby.

Anyway, AF is pissed at me because I'm pretty sure she knows she won't be visiting again for a while, so my cramps suck today. She hasn't shown her face but she's about to. I just can't get over how quickly this is all happening. When I started the pills I felt like 3 weeks was going to be forever, but now that I'm here I feel like the BFN was yesterday. I'm nervous about this cycle and I really want to see how my first ultrasound goes. I know that there's really no way to tell how many eggs I'm actually going to get until ER, I just hope I get more than last time. I keep having all these amazing daydreams about taking my baby girl to 4th of July cookouts and family dinners and Christmas and stuff. Although my dad still insists it's going to be a boy.

I got my blood work done today between conference calls at work. Every year we need to do infections disease testing, but they also did some PCOS test... I couldn't tell which test though. And I got a spot urine to test my protein level. It's high. I could see the protein floating in it which is not normal.. it should be microscopic. But hopefully it's not any worse than it was.

I have 2 more conference calls today at least, but Columbus has decided he'd rather put his butthole directly on my important papers. See exhibit A:

I'm pretty sure he can read, and thought "Ok this looks important, so I should probably put my bare butthole directly on it". He's such an asshole.

Soon my calls will be done with and I can take a nap. But I do still need 2.5 more hours of comp time by next week for ER. So... maybe I can get Columbus to put his butthole on someone else's papers, and they'll need help re-typing them. Maybe not.


  1. Yay for starting stims tomorrow, but sorry about the cramps. You are cracking me up with your kitty and his butt on your important papers LOL! Columbus is a cutie :)

  2. Haha thank you. He's so bad though! I really think he does that stuff on purpose!
