Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Obligatory "I got my medications" post.

This is them:

Please pardon all the other crap on the table. I didn't want to take everything out of the boxes, lest I forget what they are and what they do. So it doesn't look like as much as it really is. I found it interesting that the only thing that came in a refrigerated container was a pack of papers. Thankfully hubs was home. It looks like the only IM injection I have is my lupron, which I though I'd be taking on a daily basis, but apparently my trigger is lupron (not hcg!?). I guess that means I'll be able to take an hpt with soe semblance of accuracy. But because I'm not excited about it, I'm posting a blurry picture of my IM needle, too:

It's blurry, but hopefully my finger gives some scale. I'm too lazy to find either of my actual digital cameras. So there you have it.

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