Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Baseline Ultrasound and Other News

Well I got my creatinine results in last night. 1.15. Definitely under the 1.4 mark. Whew! My doctor freaked me out because he sounded very concerned that it was up from last time, but he has told me the margine of error in this test is 15%! Meaning it could be as low as .97! Or higher, but still under 1.4. Plus, when I was on Diovan (bp med) it was 1.25, and he said it was because of the meds and how they take stress off your kidneys or.. something that made no sense. Well at my last test in December I wasn't on anything, but for this one I was on Aldomet, which is a different med, but still for BP, so I asked him if that could be the cause for the rise. I read online that Aldomet can mess with your creatinine, so I'm hoping it's just that. Either way, it's well under the cutoff mark for "can expect a normal pregnancy" so I'm OK. I was a teeny bit depressed last night, but hubs and I decided to stop worrying. I've done everything I can do. Two rounds of steroids haven't worked, and the only other medications have side effects worse than the disease itself! We decided to take a break from depression - from bad news and shitty test results for my kidneys. I'll go to my next appointment and talk with the doctor, and I'll try harder to lower my sodium intake and lose weight, but I'm not going to let it run my life anymore. We're in the midst of an IVF cycle. I'm 30 years old, trying to have a baby and have some fun. I'm not at a point yet where I'm willing to try Cellcept, or Rituximab, (a cousin of a medicine that almost killed my dad in 2008 - same type) so I'm going to stop worrying until I am there. I think once we have a baby it'll be a different story. I'm not excited about the potential side effects, but, if I'm being honest, my real issue is that you can't TTC on them, and if they don't work, my kidneys could be too crappy to try by then. So my goal right now is a healthy baby. I hate that I have to face this sort of decision. But on to the good news!

I had my baseline ultrasound today. First, they did not weigh me, which made me very happy. They did try to bleed me out, but I stopped them! OK, maybe I'm being a little dramatic. They were taking blood, and at the end, she started pulling up on the needle, so it was pressing against the top of my skin. It looked gross, and I was like "Is she about to take that out without gauze??" It didn't hurt, but it looked like it should. So she takes it out and bandages me up and I head to the bathroom before my ultrasound. I pee. It is good. Then I go undress and sit on the table and I look down at my elbow and the gauze is soaked through and blood is dried up all around the outside. I pulled up the bandage and I've got this weird purple thing that looks like a blood blister. It's gross, and they gave me another bandage.

Then.. DUN DUN DUN.... (queue "something is about to happen!" music) the ultrasound. I was terrified because she was taking pictures and showing the ovaries and I only saw what looked like 2 or 3 follicles. And I got the 1 tech who doesn't tell you how many you had, so I asked her, and she seemed weird about it, but she told me, and I had 22! Eleven on each side. That's actually more than I had last time (19) or the time before that (20). Still not close to PCOS range. I'm starting to think the RE is right and I don't even have that. Between normal testosterone levels and no string of pearls... who knows. Anyway, 22! YAY! So that's 22 potential eggs. This is my first cycle so we don't know what to expect of the quality of embryos or anything like that, but with Andy's morph at 5% there should be some good ones for the ICSI. Honestly I'm hoping to get 5 or 6 good quality embryos - 1 to put in and 4 or 5 to freeze.

According to Advanced Fertility, this is what my antral count means:

Normal (good) antral count, should have an excellent response to ovarian stimulation.
Likely to respond well to low doses of FSH product.
Very low risk for IVF cycle cancellation. Some risk for ovarian overstimulation.
Best pregnancy rates overall as a group.
This is pretty exciting, and I fall right in the middle of this group (16-30).

We turned in our consent forms, which thankfully I dragged Andy out to get notarized yesterday because they needed them today. Tomorrow is my injection class and I start Saturday. YAY! I can't believe I'm in a cycle now for real. I still have to get my blood tests back and I really hope they're OK! My nurse should call me soon. I hope it's good news.

Update: Doc says Aldomet wouldn't increase the creatinine, but there is always a problem with precision for the test.

1 comment:

  1. DH had morph of either 4% or 5% and we got it done through IUI so you should be good to go. :-)
