Friday, April 1, 2011

Our Bank Accounts are Bleeding

The Aetna Specialty pharmacy just called about my order. She went through the list of medicines so fast I didn't hear anything but Ganirilex and Menopur. Oh yes, and Follistim pen. I should figure out what those things do. And it's time to update the cost! Hopefully for the last time in a while, because, seriously? I'm over it.

SHG - $100
Day 3 blood work and ultrasound - $145
HSG - $231.50
Deposit - $3250
ICSI deposit - $250
Meds - $1578.19
Lupron - $10

Total: $5564.69
Now really, so far, that's not too bad. I'm sure the cost will go up some, and hopefully we'll be freezing some embryos which will add another $1200. I think, all in all, we're going to look at a final total of around $7500. which isn't truly all too terrible considering that includes all of the testing leading up to it. But still. It's nothing to sneeze at. Please hang out here for a while, tally... until freezing time? I know I've mentioned that my parents are paying for most of this cycle. We've paid for testing, but they paid for meds and the deposit. We'll be paying for freezing and any subsequent embryo transfers. They are paying flat out, but we want to pay them back anyway. So it's a lot of money. Yep.

Edit: Apparently one of the meds wasn't in that shipment. Thank God it's a $10 co-pay. He's looking out for me. It is going through a different pharmacy, though, and now my head is spinning.

Edit #2 - Added the Lupron $10 Co-Pay since I just paid it.

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