Well the results are finally in. My creatinine is 1.0, which is good, but my protein is still 5600. It's less than 6000, but it's apparently not a significant decrease because he said it was basically the same. This is obviously not good news, but it's really what I expected. I had only been on the medication for a little over 2 months, so I'm hoping that when I do another test it's a little better. I didn't take the medicine as well as I should have with the last dosage of 80. But I'm on track again so hopefully it won't affect too much. The thing I keep trying to remind myself of is that when I first started seeing this doctor back in February of 2009, by creatinine was about .95 or so, and it's bounced around between that and 1.2 since then, so it's essentially stayed the same for 2 years. That's a good thing that I try to keep in mind.
Monday my mom and I are going to the high risk OB. I told my mom I might tear up and she'll have to talk. Our plan is to tell her what my nephrologist said he told her - that this is the best my kidneys are going to get, so if we want to go through with the IVF it should be now. And that I'm willing to do anything to protect my baby and keep myself safe, but that we're going to try with or without her help. Andy has 5% morph and a slightly low count, but that doesn't mean we won't conceive. It might take longer but it can happen. But given my health, the faster the better. So I hope she helps us. We're going to beg and plead if nothing else works. I wish Andy could come with me but he can't. He's given his blessing to our plan though.
My coworker, who got married 3 months after we started trying to conceive and who got pregnant on her honeymoon, is 35 weeks now and getting ready for the baby. It's sort of depressing. Her baby had hiccups today and I got to feel the baby moving. It was really sweet. I could just imagine her in there hiccuping and moving around. She's 6lb 4 oz as of yesterday. My other friend says she's late, though I don't think she knows exactly when she ovulates. They've been trying for 6 months and she has endo so it would be great for her if she got pregnant. It'd be hard, but she understands what I'm going through so she'd understand that it's tough. And she's super excited to have a baby too, so I hope it works out for her soon. I've always had a silly wish that we would get pregnant very close to each other so neither of us had to deal with the jealousy.
I bought OPKs today! I'm so excited about that. And I'm going to get more preseed to help the sperm. His motility is actually pretty good.. 58% I think? But I'm hoping it helps some of the ones that might move a little slower to get where they need to be. We're so looking forward to this month. I just want it to work! But because I'm so happy to be back on the trying train (with a somewhat improved sex drive and better chances because we'll be having sex more than once during my fertile period) I'm going to go look at some baby stuff! I may post what I find.
Edit: Ok so I totally didn't find the cute thing I was looking for. But I'll tell you what I did find. If we got pregnant this month, based on LMP, our baby's official due date would be 10/10. Our anniversary! I know, I know.. everyone always looks for "signs". But it's still cool. My 38 week due date since I'm delivering early would be the 26th. But I honestly think our baby is going to come closer to 34 weeks anyway. It's just a feeling. I hope it stays in there until 38, but... I feel 34.
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