Monday, January 10, 2011

Still Alive... For Now!

I think I'm dead. I haven't confirmed this yet, but I'm pretty certain that I am actually a zombie. I generally have low temperatures (high 96s or low 97s) when I wake up, but today's temperature was actually a little frightening. It started off in the high 96s on day 4 or so, but today I was in the 95s! How can I still be alive?? Does this mean my hormones are terribly confused? Or do I just run low and had a particularly cold night? Anyway, this is what my chart looks like:

I must be dying slowly. I hope it goes back up tomorrow 'cause it's a little scary. But look at all my "Fertile" days lol. That's only because I've ovulated anywhere between CD16 and 21 multiple times. I hope this is our month!!!!

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