So the OB said there's nothing they can do for the sciatica but heating pad and tylenol. Tylenol doesn't touch it. He did give me a note to get a temporary parking pass at work so I can park closer to the building. That will help, but I still have a long walk to my desk. At least it's something though.
Unfortunately when I got to the OB my bp was 146/90. The 146 was pretty normal, but the 90 was higher than it has ever been. That combined with the pain under my ribs and the nausea caused him to send me to L&D straight away for monitoring. I was there for about 4 hours hooked up to monitors. E looked awesome, and my bp was ok on my side, but the doctor did a few tests and said she was worried and wanted blood work. Urine tests tell them nothing since I have so much protein all the time. It took a while, but the labs came back fine. I'm doing a 24 hour urine tonight though. I'm pretty exhausted from the day I've been having. I'm so glad I don't have Pre-E and my baby gets to keep growing on the inside.
I can't wait to meet her but it's just too soon. I hope some of these problems go away soon though. And I really want to get some sleep. Fortunately hubs has taken on every job there is around the house so all I have to do is.. well.. nothing. Nothing but have him bring me things and give me heating pads.
I'm taking it easy tonight and probably not going to work tomorrow. I don't want to use up more sick time but I just need to relax and try to let some of these problems heal and work themselves out. I'm so glad my baby girl is feisty as ever (she HATES the fetal monitor) but hoping we don't have to test that out again for another few weeks.
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