Wednesday, January 11, 2012


A and I are officially struggling with this whole middle name thing. Does she really need one? My dad doesn't have one and he turned out OK. I mean she does have a ten letter first name and an 11 letter last name. That's enough, right? OK, I do want to give her a name. But A thinks Noelle is just too long. He wants a 3-5 letter name, which I can get down with because.. holy hell, I wouldn't want to have to make calendar appointments just to write my name down either. We both really like Ivy (since before the whole Beyonce thing, I can assure you), but then I realized that her nickname is Evie and.. Evie Ivy? Even I can't do that. So I was thinking of other flowery/plant names and came up with Lily. Evangeline Lily? Yeah, as much as Lost was the best show ever to be on television (and as much as I mourn its loss :() I'm not doing that to her either. A likes Leah, and while I like the name, it doesn't flow well. So.. we're at a loss. We like Claire (can you tell we like Lost yet?) but it's become so popular it seems like more of a "filler" middle name (sorry Claires. It's a beautiful name but there are like 8 billion Claire middle names right now!). We decided that whatever we come up with we'll be keeping it to ourselves because everyone has an opinion and.. I don't want to hear it.

That's one dilemna of many. I spent ALL DAY yesterday at the doctor. 3 hours in Quest getting my 3 hour glucose test done.  This was followed up immediately by my endocrinologist, who heard my 1 hour numbers, did a finger prick, and said "I don't know why they even bothered putting you through the 3 hour test". Joy. She also doesn't think I can control it with diet, but my OB still does, and we'll see what happens when the official results come in.

Immediately after that I had an OB appointment. I explained that E didn't seem to be moving nearly as much, and he couldn't find her heartbeat! So he did a biophysical profile and she's breech. Of course. He couldn't find her heart because he expected it to be in a completely different spot. While he said she does still have time to turn, he was obviously not completely convinced. He clearly expected her to be head down, and mentioned twice that she is breech, and even brought up the "C" word!

The good news is OMGWEHAVESOMUCHSTUFFFOREVIE. But We do still need a lot of expensive things, like the vide monitor, dresser, and rocker. So that'll be fun to try to collect. All in all things are going better than I expected all around. I hope E is comfy and sticks around for at least another few weeks. For now everyone seems to be content, and I hope it stays that way.

1 comment:

  1. Turn, Evie turn! I'm sure you probably don't want a million "that happened to my best friend's cousin's mother" stories, but is it okay if I say just one? ;) My brother turned at 36 weeks because my dad "talked" to him every day where his head should have been; it took about a week, but he turned, got stuck in that position, and ended up head down for the remainder of the pregnancy (my mom delivered at 43 weeks..yikes!)

    Anyway, good luck with choosing a middle name. (By the way, I was like, "I LOVE the name Evangeline Lily!"...oh wait...I knew it sounded familiar lol!) In a way, I feel your pain though. We're debating whether to give one or two--or just do one official and one unofficial--so at some point I'll probably be writing my own post about this too!
