Well, apparently it is still possible for us to get good news. I prayed last night that we get some positivity on the TTC front, and my nurse called me at 10AM with it!
They did the rest of my thyroid tests and found everything else normal and no antibodies. I don't have thyroid disease or markers of its impending arrival. My TSH is still a bit high, so she wants me to follow up with a regular endo to see if they think I need medication. I am in the process of setting that up, but for now we get to keep going. They mentioned our "other things going on" and I think she was referring to my kidneys, so it's nice to know she has a clear view of what TTC is like for us and how urgent it is. I'm so excited to get this show on the road.
I did use an OPK this morning for the hell of it and I had a faint line. I always get faint lines as a phase-in before O, but I am really hoping that's not what this is! I switched brands this month, and I'm hoping it's just more sensitive and picking up the low levels of LH that are in my body regularly. I'll take another when I get home tonight. Hopefully it will still be really light because I'm going out of town tomorrow and I won't be back until late Monday. I scheduled it this way because the earliest I've ever Od is CD16, and we'll be back on CD14. I should've brought a test strip here so I could try mid-day but I didn't, so I have to wait until really late tonight. It's only CD10, so for me to actually be phasin in now would be crazy. I also have no CM which is very unusual for me around O.
I can't believe I'm actually doing an IUI this month. I finally feel like I'm being proactive and making a difference! I don't have insanely high hopes for the first IUI but you never know. And the next one we'll be doing monitoring and Ovidrel which is really cool! I really hope this stuff works. If not, HSG in late August/Early Sept. EEEK! I was actually going to suck it up and do it next cycle if ours were cancelled (It's almost $250 bucks so we can't do both in 1 cycle) but I have avoided it for now. I hope we get pregnant on one of these two and don't need it. Man this 2WW will be hard!!!
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