Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I still haven't heard from the kidney doctor. It's driving me insane. I really want to be ok and not knowing is horrible. If things are worse we have to really look at what we're doing and when. If it's stable then we actually have a little room to relax... at least some. The good news is I saw the endo today and my blood pressure was normal! I'm pretty sure the headache I had at the last doctor was making my bp high. WHEW. She did give me medicine for my thyroid. I don't know what I expect it to do but maybe it helps? I'm at the point where I hope my period doesn't come, but if it's going to, I want it to be NOW lol. I guess I'll just wait and see. My mom said she felt like she was getting her period before she was pregnant. It's so annoying that pregnancy symptoms and AF symptoms are exactly the same. I really have no reason to think I'm not pregnant but I guess I just don't want to be disappointed. I'm still hopeful. But we'll see.

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