Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I'm not out, but I feel it. Yesterday with all those weird aches, pains, stretches, etc... got me hopeful. Now not so much. I feel like AF is just around the corner, and she's scheduled to show up on Friday. I was so excited for this month. I guess I'm not out until I'm out but I feel out. My temp is still in the 98s, but it usually is 10DPO. Negative test this morning. And I'm getting scared that the pains the week before AF are actually a problem. I'm going to mention them to Tara... the aching back and hips and the sharp ovary pains. Maybe it's nothing and I hope it's nothing but it's worth bringing up. This TTC thing is starting to wear on me. We're moving into our 6th real cycle after 4 months of the MFI dealings... so it'll be 10 months we've been dealing with it and it's starting to take a toll. I told Andy... "If I knew 100% I was going to have a biological baby, I wouldn't sweat this AT ALL". But I don't know that 100% and the uncertaintiy is so stressful.  *sigh* I just want a baby with my husband... to see his chubby cheeks in our little one. Next month is our IUI.. and it's still July.. but what's with all the pain!? I hope the RE has answers for me soon.

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