Today I feel like crap. I mean... BAD. I woke up this morning and hopped out of bed. This was apparently a bad move as I immediately felt sick. I took a shower hoping it would help but it didn't, so I called work and went to sleep on the recliner for 2 more hours. I also took an anti-nausea medicine. When I woke up my stomach felt better, but I was so tired I had to drag myself out of the house and into work. 5 hours later that hasn't lessened. I no longer want to vomit, but my stomach still feels "off" and opening my eyes feels like the hardest job in the world. I don't even want to talk about trying to pull myself together to get to the bathroom. It's getting to be a little much... the stomach issues. The endoscopy found nothing, but something is making me feel like this. I did read the information I have about my kidney disease again and here is a little excerpt:
In general, patients with IgAN seem to need much more sleep (12 hours or more a day) than most people. Most patients find that they tire more easily and have much less stamina than formerly.
Exhaustion can make it difficult, even impossible, to concentrate, do schoolwork, or perform their job.
That is how my body feels today. I'm not sure what the nausea is about, but I hate feeling so sick. I know there's a reason for it, but it still sucks. I want to be vibrant and full of energy, and I just can't do that. Every time Andy asks me to do something I snap at him because I don't want to do anything but be on the couch. He suggested this morning trying to get healthier with exercise and such, which I want to do, but it's hard when you're this out of it. Days like these scare me because I assume my kidneys aren't functioning right and that's not good for my TTC journey. I am doing a 24 hour urine on Sunday and I see the endo on the 21st. Hopefully those things will give me some answers.
We'll be doing the IUI assuming I ovulate. I'd like to haha. No signs of impending ovulation yet though. I hope I get some soon. I like the 2WW so much better than waiting to O. I have some questions to ask the RE about anti-nuclear antibodies and such too, so hopefully I get a few minutes with her. I just want to get this first IUI done. I hope it works!
Currently I feel like I could close my eyes and sleep for 30 years. I have an hour and 20 minutes left of work and then I have to go to Walgreens, go home and put dishes away, and then I can lay down and read and watch tv. I miss my husband so much as I haven't really spent time with him in over a week. I can't wait until Saturday night/Sunday. I need my rock. Sometimes I wonder how he deals with all my physical ailments and my OCD and constant baby talk. He always tells me I'm a great wife, but I don't believe him most of the time. I love him so much. And now I'm rambling because I'm exhausted. It's time to go read work emails.
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