Then we went into his office and talked over all of my questions. I was nervous about how we could tell the difference between pre-eclampsia and just.. my kidneys doing what they do. He mentioned bp and swelling, which already come with the territory, but he said there are blood tests as well, and that would be the deciding factor before an induction. When I told him the MFM said she wanted to induce at 38 weeks he said "38, 37.. we'll praise God if we get there" which was unnerving. My nephrologist and this OB said since my kidneys are filtering normally I should be ok, so this was disconcerting. I know I've done everything I could and gotten approval from everyone to even begin but it's still freaking me out and I hope everything is OK.
I also decided yesterday that I think I want to make one of these for the baby:
It's a puff quilt found at the amazing Make it and Love it blog. Though this one is actually made by Honeybear Lane. I sort of love these, but I'm afraid my sewing skills aren't up to snuff so I may buy this one and make something a little less difficult. We'll see how I feel once I know the gender. I really love these quilts! I really want to make something for my baby, and I think this weekend I'm going to start organizing the house. I was in my room today and said to myself "This is a horrible mess!" because it really, really is. I'm going to get some totes and start packing some things away that I won't need for a while, and get things ready to take to my parent's house to store. I need to consolidate our DVDs into one tower, and throw out the cat litter box container that broke a year ago. I want the house to be organized, which means trying to convince Andy to break down his computer and get a new desk since the computer doesn't work at all. That won't go over well but I'm going to try. Our house is small and we need all the extra space we can get. I'm so excited to have a 3 day weekend to work on all of this!!
Awww I'm so glad you got to hear the heart beat! That must have been such a great surprise =)