Monday, August 1, 2011

The First Item

Well, I did it. I finally broke down and bought a pregnancy-related item, and now that I've done it I want to buy everything. I've mentioned before that I have a wedding to go to at 16 weeks 1 day. Since my dresses are not made for pregnant women (except 1 that is not wedding appropriate) I figured I should buy a new one. I don't expect to be showing a lot, but I want to be comfortable and I think by 16 weeks I'll probably have somewhat of a bump since my pants are tight already. I've had my eye on a dress at JCPenney, and it's been on sale for quite some time. Today when I was looking through their online maternity stuff I realized the dress is only $19.99, originally $48! I couldn't pass up a deal like that - a dress for a wedding for $20? So I caved and finally just bought it.

This is the biggest picture I could find, but you get the idea. Hopefully it will be a warm September 30th! And I found out Andy's parents are invited. I'm really glad I'll have someone to go with since Andy is in the wedding and will need to be with the guys well before I have to be there. Plus I don't have to drive, which is good since it's up close to Philly and I'm not familiar with a lot of the area. So I really hope this dress fits and looks OK. I've already got a bit of a belly anyway, so hopefully this will make it look more like a pregnant belly than anything else lol.

I'm counting down the days until ultrasound number 2. It's a week from tomorrow and it cannot get here fast enough. I feel like the days are absolutely dragging. Fortunately we have visitors coming from out of town this weekend so I'll have something to occupy me for a while! I wish I could be 13 weeks so I could tell everyone and not have to hide it, but I've got just over 5 weeks to go. I can do it! And at least this week is SHARK WEEK so I can attach myself to the TV all night and watch shark programs. YAY!

I love that I get to experience so many cool things with my little one just hanging out in there. One day it'll sit on my lap and watch shark week with me and learn about all mommy and daddy's favorite things. This whole thing is such a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. That's such a cute dress. Definitely a worthwhile investment! And yay for Shark Week!! Big fan here, too =)
