Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I didn't mention this in the last blog because I forgot about it, but I need to comaplain (surprise!) and I don't know where else to do it so I'm putting it here.

My kidney.. is an a-hole sometimes. Saturday was a very weird day and I'm not sure what to expect out of what happened. Basically, I get this dull ache in my back sometimes. Sometimes it is intense but usually it's just annoying. I also get sharp pains at times. My doctor always asks me if I have any pain and I tell him I do, but he doesn't say much about it. Well.. Saturday was one for the books. I'd been having the dull ache and a few of the sharp pains, but all of a sudden it got intense. On the right side of my spine in sort of the middle/lower part of my back I was getting HORRIBLE pains. It felt like someone was reaching through my back to try to yank out my kidney. That's how bad it was. It would get this sort of... I don't want to say pressure but it would feel weird for a second and then sort of.. throb out in a pulse of just.. absolute terror. I was actually screaming and crying. This went on for about ten minutes until I drank a ton of water and it went away. It was much worse than the sharp pains I'm used to. My dad says it sounds like a kidney stone, but it didn't last long and ended very abruptly, so I don't know. I'm going to mention it to the doctor when I see him again on the 25th, but I'm REALLY not happy about it. I don't need any more kidney damage, but I'd like to know if it's related to the IGA or if it's a random occurrence. There doesn't seem to be a correlation, but you never know. I'm not letting it go with a "Oh that sucks" this time though. I want to know what's going on because I don't want to go through that again! I really REALLY hope it was nothing. I don't need any more detours on my baby journey!


  1. Wow, that sounds really strange, and very painful. :( I hope it doesn't happen again. Considering my past history, I'm always conscious of flank pain. I've had it in the past, they've done ultrasounds and other tests and never find anything that could be causing it. Maybe the kidney is an organ that just likes to remind us that it's there?? I hope they figure out what's wrong and that it isn't anything serious.

  2. You have had stuff like that too? It freaks me out so much. I always get scared it's kidney failure since it's a real reality for me but so far no one has mentioned it. I had an ultrasound done of my kidneys back when this whole thing started and they didn't see anything. I really hope that it's nothing, but I'm sure you can understand how terrifying it is! I figure it's at least worth mentioning. I like your theory that they just like to remind us we're there. It did go away with water. Maybe it was just like "I'm thirsty!" lol.

  3. Well, I've never had the sharp shooting pains, but I have had the dull ache in my kidney area/back. Of course, the doctors were concerned, so did the ultrasound, checked everything and never found anything. I haven't had the throb feeling in a while, but it has happened before. I hope it was just "feed me water!" Whatever it was, hope it doesn't happen again.
