Well we're on CD16 and still no signs of ovulation. I know that last month I ovulated on CD18, so I'm not super concerned, but I usually have some sort of sign beforehand. I think the soy either regulated everything or royally effed it up. I'm so excited for this month because we have so much of a better chance than even last time. I'm feeling so much more positive about this whole thing now. I know Andy's doing better and I just feel like maybe we will conceive without IVF. I always had hope but it's the first time in a while I've really felt it was possible. Especially with IUI. If we do that, the doctor will know for sure that I ovulate, and she'll be putting the sperm right where they need to be. I'll have the HSG to make sure there's a good environment for implantation... I just feel like we have a shot.
I talked to my parents today about my cholesterol and they're not worried. I feel like maybe we can do a few extra cycles before IVF. I still want my kidneys to be in as good shape a possible, but I also want to be financially sound, and if we can avoid IVF we should be able to pay of our credit cards and fix our credit scores and buy a house. I'd love to have a house for my baby to grow up in and IVF would sort of render that impossible for a while. I'm also paying off two other bills by October so I'll have that extra money plus a raise... I could save money for when I'm on maternity leave instead of paying $400 a month in a fertility loan. If IUI fails it sucks but it's not nearly as much money.
Nothing is guaranteed but if Andy continues to improve we might have even a better chance a few months from now. When we do our first one (hopefully in July if doc lets us) It'll be 5 weeks or so from his last test so things might be even better. He started taking zinc yesterday which I think is going to help even more. I'm really hoping to be pregnant by my 30th birthday this year. That's only 6 more cycles including this one but I hope it works. I'd love to feel my baby moving around at Christmas time.
I'm just so excited. I feel a little less pressure with Andy doing better. I am sort of looking forward to our appointment on the 16th but I'm really nervous that she's just going to flat out say no. I think it should be my decision so I hope she doesn't. It'll put us back a while finding a new doctor.
I'm ready for this month to see how things go. I know things still aren't ideal but it's very possible. Now I just need to ovulate this month!
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