Friday, September 23, 2011

Putting on My Boxing Gloves

I'm pretty sure I'm going to fist fight my much-adored OB on Tuesday at my appointment. He was absolutely certain I'd be feeling better. Maybe I should bring him all the vomit from the last 3 weeks of not feeling better! Just kidding - that's really gross. But maybe I can use it as leverage to make him give me the ultrasound I'm supposed to get anyway. I'm thinking of asking for a gender guess since I'll be almost 16 weeks. Chances of little one cooperating? About 1/1,000,000, but a girl can dream.

Still, I'll be happy to know baby is in there and thriving, so even a doppler is something... though I'm curious about the growth. I'd guess by the size of my belly that baby is growing, but I'd still like to see.

Tonight I'm going to a party at my parents' house and expecting belly rubs from strangers since there will be lots of alcohol. I got some yesterday, so why not? The belly rub count is now at 3 lol. I'm only 15 weeks!!!

In other news, I watched a cop jump off a bridge into a reservoir today. Fully clothed, with vest... climbed up on the side, crossed his arms, and jumped. The bridge has got to be 30 or 40 feet high and the water.. it's got to be cold right now with all the rain we've had and the temps being so low at night. He was with 2 other guys and they just watched. The cop cars' lights were flashing... I have no idea what was going on. But that's my interesting sighting for the day.

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