It's official. This kid isn't going to make things easy on me! I had my 16 week checkup today. I was hoping for a gender but that didn't happen, and that's OK. My BP was 154/65. It was 154/84 last time so the systolic is high but diastolic is very good. And I haven't taken my Aldomet in days because I've been having trouble keeping things down, so hopefully when I start that up again it'll drop some. So the good news is it hasn't gotten higher, and there's tons of room to up the dose if we need to. My next appointment is at 20 weeks.
So I did the bp and peed in a cup, which I assume was still just protein since they didn't say anything but "get your 24 hour urine" which I completely forgot to do. So that's on the docket for next week.
Then we tried to get the heartbeat on the doppler.. and he couldn't find it! He put the wand on my belly and we didn't hear anything and he kept looking and saying my baby was difficult. I've been expecting a difficult baby after the last ultrasound and considering its parents... but I was freaking out. I could feel my heart rate getting faster and he suggested we go to the ultrasound machine. He put the wand on and I couldn't figure out what anything on the screen was!! But he pointed out a few things and I figured out it was just because the baby looks so different from last time! Once I figured out the orientation I could see it little heart beating away, and then I got to hear it. It was in the 150s. He pointed out that the baby was head down, which I can only assume is to get into good kicking the ribs position. It moved a few times which was cute. I couldn't get over how big it is! Baby looks proportionate now, and I could see the spine and everything which was really cool. I figure the pain really low in my abdomen is from the baby's head since I now know it's so low.
I have to get AFP blood work tomorrow and I'm not at all excited. I was hoping not to do anymore blood work because it just makes me worry, so I'm just hoping and praying it's normal. I don't want to worry until the anatomy scan again. So here's hoping everything continues to go well. All looks great so far.
Edit: Forgot to add, I'm up 1 pound from 4 weeks ago, when I was up 2 pounds. So 3 pounds total since I started at the OB! Woo hoo! Although I sort of cheated because I've been sick and not eating much. Not on purpose though.
I'm glad everything's looking good and you were able to hear the heartbeat! (I got scared just reading that.) I hope you feel better soon!