Friday, September 9, 2011

And It Starts.

I've spent a lot of money on clothes in the last month or so. And I mean that. We're talking probably close to $400. I think it's every woman's dream to buy a whole new wardrobe, but I also feel like a might need a lobotomy for spending this kind of money on clothes I'll be wearing for 6 months (OK maybe 7 or 8. I know those bumps don't disappear overnight). Being pregnant in the winter brings a whole new set of concerns - like needing a winter coat. I should note, here, that I hate coats. I hate them. I spent my entire college life wearing sweatshirts when it was 10 degrees out in Frostburg (FROSTburg) so I could avoid coats. I discovered the peacoat some years later, and I like it more than other coats. And I figure I should probably be somewhat responsible since a human is trying to grow in my body and try to keep it warm. I did it. I bought this:

It was on sale for $39.99 from $85 and I figured it would be relatively ridiculous to pass this up, since I'll be 20 weeks in November when it starts getting cold (Have I mentioned that my doctor congratulated on me on "timing" the baby to come so I'd be pregnant in the winter? Yes, RE. I gave you thousands of dollars for IVF with the express purpose of timing the baby to come in March).

The sad thing is I've shopped amazing sales, used online coupons and rebate sites, and I've still come away with 2 pairs of work pants, 2 pairs of jeans, and like... 4 shirts. How does this add up to so much money? I still need more shirts! And I'm questioning how long the "under belly" pants are going to last.

In other news, the belly rubbing has begun. My close friend did it on Wednesday. She said it was time because the baby looks like a baby. But then my boss did it today! Now I'm one of those people that always assumed I would simply punch anyone who touched my belly. What no one ever tells you is that when people rub your belly it makes them giggly and incredibly happy. So now I feel like I don't want to take that happiness away from them. So unless it's a stranger, I think I might let people rub my belly. I'm not a huge fan, but just doing my part for morale I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. OOOOoooo that coat is so cute!!! I know it sounds ridiculous, but I'm actually excited that I'll be missing the summer months too (if, God willing, this pregnancy lasts!) I see a long fall/winter full of comfy leggings and sweaters :)
