Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Feeling Crafty

OK so maybe I've been a terrible blogger. Just maybe. I have no idea when the last time I posted was, or if my baby was even visible to the naked eye then. It is now, if you were curious. And it even has two arms, two legs, and the cutest little belly I've ever seen. The more time that goes by in this pregnancy (I'll be 13 weeks Thursday) the more I want to clean and craft! This might have something to do with the fact that I've kept my breakfast down for 4 straight days. It may not. But suffice it to say, I want to make things, and I want my house to be thoroughly cleaned.

If I'm being completely honest here, I would really love for someone else to do the cleaning part. And, still being honest, Andy cleans soooo much more than I do. But I want someone to go into the bathrooms and get in all those little crevices where spiders may be lurking and clean them out for good. I don't want to risk spiders - I'm pregnant, after all (that's a good excuse, right?).

Seeing  as there is no way this is going to happen, I'm going to have to suck it up and get in those grimy corners myself. It's not that I never clean them, but.. I haven't since I've been pregnant. I've honestly been feeling awful for many weeks between nausea and sacroilliac pain.  And fatigue! Can't forget that. So I'm excusing myself from doing a terrible job with the bathrooms, and promising I will clean them soon. Somehow I feel less pressed when EVERYTHING in my house is broken and no one ever comes to fix it. We had a hole in our ceiling for 4 weeks. It was patched 3 weeks ago but still hasn't been sanded down. But I guess that's OK since the leak that cause it is still occuring, and now encompasses about a 3'x2' area of cealing in our dining room. Note to management: FIX MY DINING ROOM OR DEAL WITH MY HORMONAL WRATH!

Anyway, I'm also interested in making some things. Like these...

Also from makeit and love it (like the puff quilt from the other day), as you can see. Since my baby's due in March (but coming in February - I swear) it will need sweet little hats to keep its gorgeous little head warm.

I'm also planning on doing some DIY projects in the nursery. I'm sort of completely in love with vinyl decals, and I'd kill for a Sillhouette and I might just buy this one

This one is about $189 but I would love to make things with this for the baby's room and the house in general. I'm seriously considering purchasing it, but I've already spent way too much money today and I really shouldn't....

Someone talk me down.

Ok. I think I'm good. Anyway... I'm feeling crafty and cleany and I want everything to be perfect for when little one arrives. Since I've got about 24-25 weeks left, I should probably get started now. It sort of takes me forever to do anything. I need another 3 day weekend, and I've got one coming up for Columbus Day, so I think I'm going to be crafting.. and I'm totally psyched.

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