I got my period yesterday afternoon, which, in my mind, confirms ovulation along with the other signs. I'm a little concerned that my luteal phase was only 10 days, which I know is technically normal by most standards, but my temps were low post-O, so I'm going to try some B6 this month and see if it helps. I also plan to tell the RE about it just in case she wants to give me extra progesterone or anything with my cycle. Tomorrow I'm getting my day 3 blood work, and that's what they're going to go off of to make my IVF plan! I really hope my numbers are ok. I'm a little scared that something will be off and they'll say "No, you have to wait" but I hope not. I want to make it to transfer so badly. I don't have any reason to think I won't, but I'm nervous. I told my husband I was scared yesterday, but he is confident we'll have a biological child, so I'm trying to trust in him.
My sleep last night was filled with awesome dreams. In the first, I received a note from my doctor that my urinary protein was 0. That the treatment had worked. I was so excited I hugged him (he gave me a note even though I was with him - you know how dreams are) and cried. Then I told my dad and he started tearing up. I wish I could really give him that news. In the second dream I was 35 weeks pregnant. It was so cool walking around and having people ask about the baby. It was a perfectly healthy baby, and was getting ready to be born. I think I was going to have it at 36 weeks. I was thrilled... I was just so incredibly happy. I want so much to experience it for real. Andy and I have been through a lot and I hope that this is our silver lining - that this first IVF cycle brings us our dream.
I asked Andy if he was ready to be a dad in 10 months and he replied with a happy (and quick) "Yep!". He's been my rock in all of this, never wavering or faltering. I know he gets scared about being a dad and about us achieving our goal, but he always holds me up so I can believe it'll happen. This month can't go by fast enough. I'm going to be in WI from day 12-16, so I hope I don't ovulate on day 16. That's actually the earliest I ever have, so I probably won't, but we were planning on EOD this month from day 14-O. I guess we'll have to start on day 16, so if I O that day we'll have at least a slight chance, and any later and we'll have been EOD. I guess I'll take some OPKs to track and see when it's coming up so we can do 2 or 3 days in a row if it turns positive around day 16. I completely forgot until just now that I was going to be away, but it looks like we'll have a shot.
I really have to work on my weight loss efforts. If things keep progressing it looks like I'll be at about 6 pounds lost in 3 weeks on weight watchers. It's not as much as I'd like, but nothing to sneeze at, and I'll have about 4.5 weeks to lose another 8 or so, which should be doable. I hope so. I want to start in March! I've come to realize that there is always something going wrong in the IF world, so I'm not counting on it, but I hope it works. When my nurse calls to tll me about my blood work next week, I 'm going to make sure she knows that I plan to have all the weight lost so I can start in March.
I'm excited again. YAY.
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