Thursday, March 4, 2010

When Peeing On A Stick is Actually Fun

I'm getting more used to the whole.. bring cups to work to pee in gig, and was quite pleased this morning as something FINALLY showed up on my pee stick! I know I'm a late ovulator, but I was getting impatient. Alas, the line was extremely faint, and I will be testing twice a day for the next few days. I expect to ovulate on Saturday, but my beautiful little sticks will tell. I should take a moment to thank my body for waiting until the weekend, but I'm still a little mad at it for upsetting me earlier this week.

Either way, it looks like tomorrow is the big day. Attempt number 1 at combining sperm and egg into a beautiful baby Sterlachini. This day has been a long time coming, and I won't be completely satisfied until it has passed. Things keep happening that are forcing us to push back dates, and I don't want to get my hopes up too much.

If I'm correct in my calculations (there was definitely a faint line so if it gets darker when I get home I'll know for sure it's coming) I will be testing on 3/20. I'm preparing myself for a BFN. As much as it will suck, I'm ok because I know it can take some time. I just get nervous that with my PCOS and Andy's tumor it'll take ages and my kidneys will "go" before then. I keep telling myself that it's all alright and things will happen in God's timing. Miraculously that has been helping lately. I'm still not feeling the pressure of "Must have baby NOW". At least not constantly. Of course I want it now, but I'm able to realize that we have great doctors and things are getting in line, so if it doesn't happen right away, it could shortly thereafter. I still get spurts of freak-out, but not as often as I was prior to a few days ago.

What I'm finding weird lately is that I'm nauseated every day at various times and extremely emotional. I told Andy "If this is what I'm like when I'm NOT pregnant, I feel SO bad for you when I am!".

Andy's doctor's appointment is tomorrow. We will finally know if the medicine is working and the prolactin is being suppressed! It's been an agonizing wait and I'm so ready to have at least 1 solid answer.

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