Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Picture Timeline

I'm not sure why, but I just decided it would be awesome to post pictures from all of my ultrasounds to see how much E has grown from pre-transfer to 28 weeks!

This is Evie as a 6 day old expanded, hatched blastocyst. This picture is absolutely stunning to me. I look at it and think "How is it this tiny thing has grown to an over 2 pound child squirming inside me!?

6 weeks 5 days. You can't even tell the baby from the yolk sac in this!

8 weeks 5 days. Starting to look a teeny bit more like a person and waving "Hi mom and dad!"

12 weeks - at the NT scan. Chillin' and looking more like a baby sitting in a hammock.

18 weeks  6 days, with her little nosed smooshed. She has visible eyes and lips. And she's begun finding her new favorite position of legs over her head.

22 weeks. The most beautiful profile I've ever seen. Her legs still over her head. 

24 weeks 5 days. Legs over her head, as always. Still the cutest nose I've ever seen.

Next Thursday she'll be 29 weeks and I'll be seeing her once more. I can't wait to see what she looks like, and I'm praying she's in a different position. It's so strange to see the changes she's undergone from teeny embryo to baby. I'm so in love and can't wait until I get to put up pictures of her at birth!

1 comment:

  1. Aww I love this! She's such a little cutie :) It's truly incredible to think that one tiny ball of cells has turned into a little person in such a short time. Thanks for sharing!
