I'm full of mixed emotions today. Someone else called my mom and said they were so excited about our baby and she was such a miracle. It made me think about our journey, and I said to my mom "I don't think I was supposed to be pregnant". I think if you had asked the universe whether or not I would ever have a baby, it would have given you a resounding "NO". I mean I started out with "PCOS" (quotations to be explained) and weird cycles. My kidneys started failing before the wedding. The doctor even said if we were working on baby #2 he'd just say no (and the RE wouldn't do IVF without his and the MFM's approval). When he did say OK, we found out A had a brain tumor and severe MFI. It was just such a ridiculous road. Although it turned out I didn't have PCOS, (just lucky to have hair on my chin I guess) nothing helped my kidneys. It was such a trying time, and I was teetering on the edge of losing faith. But I'm pretty sure this baby girl is brought to you by God. It just seems so weird to me that with all of our obstacles we've gotten this far... and in good health!
I was nervous going into today's appointment, but it really couldn't have gone better. Baby girl is still growing well. She was 2lb 15oz today, so almost 3 pounds! This puts her in the 43rd percentile, which is just fine. We still didn't get a good profile, though. Although she's head down (hooray for cooperation!) her head was low, and she's still folded up like a taco with her toes on her forehead. She has been at every appointment since 22 weeks, and I think she's stuck that way for the long haul. It's funny to know that the movements I feel so low are her head and feet, and the random rib level ones are her butt!
My BP was 147/79, and the girl who took it said "Oh that's pretty high". I said to her "Oh it's good for me!". She asked if I was sure, because she could take it with me on my left side. I said it was fine, and the Dr. would be happy. Well shortly thereafter, the doctor came in and said "You know me too well! I'm very happy!". And she actually told me that when they did my blood tests, my creatinine was 1.05, which is pretty good! It tends to go down a tad during pregnancy, but with kidney disease there's always the risk that the stress will make your kidneys worse, and so far mine are doing well! YAY KIDNEYS!
We were both pretty excited that I'm 29 weeks and doing well. She did say the next month was pretty crucial to development, but she seems pretty comfortable that once we hit that point we'll be in pretty good shape.
Since E was in such a bad position, we, once again, didn't get a good profile. She clearly doesn't understand how much her grandma wants to see her pretty face. We did get a head-on shot somehow... and it's super weird but I'm going to post it anyway.
The eye sockets are so creepy. BUT I do see some sweet little chubby cheeks and a cute little chin. It looks like my chin, with the teeniest of dimples.
I'm shocked and amazed to be here, and I keep going back and forth between wanting her out because I'm in pain, and getting teary because I'm going to miss her so much when I can't feel her moving around anymore. Either way, I'm going to have a baby soon, and it's insane.
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