Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Weird Mommy Milestone

I'm entering week 4 of my maternity leave. I can't believe 3 whole weeks are gone. I couldn't imagine having to go back to work after 6 weeks, and it makes me so mad that some women have to because of how horrible the maternity laws are in this country. I'm glad I have 8 weeks left, but it sucks. It just sucks.

Evie is 2.5 weeks old now, and still not sleeping well. She's staying awake a lot more in the mornings, and I'm not sure what to do with her because she's too little to really play, but I try. I feel like she might be off her schedule or something, because for a while she was pretty consistently taking a bottle, getting changed, going to sleep, and getting up 3 hours after we started feeding to do it again. Now she's getting hungry every 2 hours or so, so between feeding, burping, and changing, and trying to get her to sleep, we only get an hour or so. And she's started getting a little fussier when we put her down, so sometimes it takes a while to get her to sleep. People keep telling me it gets better around 3 weeks, so I'm hoping that's true. I still don't need her to sleep all night, but if we could get her back to sleeping 2 hour stretches that would be great. She's consistently taking about 3oz of formula, so I don't know why she wakes up hungry so early. I guess we're just still learning.

A was able to get through a whole "cycle" this morning (this is what we call the feed, burp, change, sleep routine) so I got 2.5 hours this morning straight, and that was awesome. Unfortunately he's back to work tomorrow so I'm on my own tonight.

I did hit an interesting baby milestone. She had the poopiest diaper I've ever seen in the middle of the night, and I got poop on my hands changing her. And she pooped while I was changing her poopy diaper lol. Thank God I had it still under her so it didn't get everywhere. It was crazy!

I think she gets cuter and cuter every day. She makes the best faces, which I can never seem to capture. She has this one where she wiggles and makes a noise that sounds like a laugh, then pulls her chin down to her chest and smiles the CUTEST smile. Everything she does is cute. It doesn't even gross me out to watch poop coming out of her butt. She's just the best baby ever. We just need to work on this sleep thing!

Snuggling with momma. The light was low so it's blurry, but I like it because you can see how teeny she is. 

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