Saturday, March 31, 2012

Time Warp

Holy crap. E is almost 6 weeks old. Where did the time go!? I only have 5 weeks of maternity leave left, which means I've used more than I have left. Time has never gone by so quickly in my life. I'm getting nervous that we won't start to get things regulated before I have to go back to work. And we still don't have daycare situated.

We had a really rough few days with E. I'm not really sure what was going on, but she seems to be better today. We started her on soy formula on Sunday, bought the rock n play, and learned from my mom that it's really important to get her to burp no matter what. I probably should've known that, but the stuff I read from similac said to try for a minute only. She has been much happier today, though, and she slept for 4.5 straight hours two nights ago, and 3.25 last night. I hope this is something that she starts to do regularly. She's still getting up every 2 hours after that first stretch, but it's a vast improvement, and I hope she starts getting a little more sleep so I get a little more sleep!

She's doing an amazing job hitting her milestones. She's holding up her head really well already, tracking objects with her eyes, putting weight on her legs.. it's awesome. I've been thinking a lot about going back to work and not being with her all day. I wasn't sure I was cut out to be home all day, but.. I am. And I wish it was possible for us to have me stay home, but it's just not in the cards. I just don't want to miss anything. I'll be glad that I get to eat lunch without worrying she'll wake up and whatnot, but... I am scared we'll lose a bond and I don't want that. And I wish the daycare at my work would do part time without making you pay full time so I could go see her every day for lunch. I really hope my work eventually does a real work from home program so at least one day a week I can be around her. Weekends and evenings just aren't enough.

I mean, who would want to leave this face (this first outfit is 0-3 months. It's big on her, and she can still wear most newborns, but she can wear some 0-3 now! She's getting so big)?

With Uncle Matt for the first time!

Sleeping this morning. She loves sleeping on her belly, but I'm terrified of something happening to her since you're not supposed to let them sleep this way, so I only let her do it when I'm watching her like a hawk, which you can see I'm doing in this photo! She's clutching the blankie. It's so cute!!!

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