Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Random Thoughts

Random thought #1: So E does this thing where she presses really hard against me from the inside. When I tried to describe it to A, the closest analogy I could come up with for it was that it felt like she was snuggling (awww). She's been doing this today where her little feet are, and I watched her move them and rubbed my belly where her teeny baby girl feet were pressing. And I realized that this time next week I'll be holding those little feet for real!!! Holy shit. I'm having a baby. Soon!

Random thought #2: I found some boy clothes when I was going through E's closet, from back when everyone was sooooo sure she was going to be a he (confirmed via ultrasound #17 - she is absolutely, positively a girl. If she is a boy I will crap myself because we've had at least 4 or 5 very clear shots). I brought them to A and told him we would put it away for if we have another baby. He looked up at me and asked, in this sad little voice, "If?". I said "When." And put them by the hope chest. A wants another baby, and has even said he wants it soon. And I'll go through the aches and pains of pregnancy again, no sweat. But I really need to know that my kidneys are getting better. The doctors are hopeful and have their fingers crossed. And I'm praying it was the infection, not the pregnancy causing the problem since the creatinine dropped once I started antibiotics. But we don't know, and we won't until E is here. I do, however, have a plan for total kidney fix-a-tation (I know. I made up that awesomeness) once E is here. So hopefully things will be looking good on that front, and we will be able to have another baby so I don't have to hear that sad voice again. I don't want to fail my little embies on ice, so.. kidneys don't fail me now!

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