I saw my nephrologist today. He seems pretty happy with how I'm doing, but he doesn't like that my blood pressure is consistently in the 140s/80s. I might have to start taking something, but he thinks it may be prednisone-related, so I'm not freaking out yet. He was very happy with how little fluid retention I have, and I turned in my latest 24 hour urine this morning so we should have results soon.
He spoke with the high risk OB and he said that he tinks he changed her expectations. She seemed to think that my kidneys would magically improve with prednisone, but he explained to her that I'm on a different course than last time, and that while I might se a marked improvement, I might not, and that if we want to have a baby, this is probably the best time to do it. I'm going to make an appointment to talk to her directly. He told her that I'm aware of risks and want to go forward, but I want to go into detail with her and get all the facts. She still says the protein could be harmful for the baby but I just don't see how since it's not making me retain water or lose blood protein, so I'd like to know that. And then hopefully I can tell her I'm aware of the risks and I want to proceed and she will say OK. She did tell him she wants me to get a second opinion from another Hopkins Doctor. I think she forgot that I already did that and the guy pointed to a book, said "Here are the statistics with your creatinine" and sent me on my way. My nephrologist said I was more qualified to have an opinion than that guy. But, if he does that, he should give me a go because mt creatinine is OK, so if that's what I need to do then fine. I just want to get on the way to IVF. I'm hoping that having talked to him and getting all the details from me she will be able to go forward knowing that I'm prepared to do whatever I have to to keep this baby healthy. If I need protein shots or heparin (something about protein and blood clots) I dont care. I'm ready, and we want this. So hopefully they'll call me back and I'll get that appointment soon.
I don't know what to expect from my 24 hour urine. There was a lot more urine this time so I'd imagine there would be more protein, but I guess I can't say for sure. I'd like to see a reduction, but I'm still trying not to expect one. At least not until January. So I guess I'm still at a standstill, but I've got everything done and as soon as she OKs me I'm moving on to the IVF, so hopefully it won't be too long.... if she OKs me at all (I hope so!!!!!).
For now I'm still praying and doing my best to stay positive. Hubs is looking forward to the busy January schedule and so am I. Hopefully we won't need anyone's approval to have this baby and it will come next month! Only time will tell, but I'm hoping God's timing for this to happen for me is coming up soon!
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