Holy begeezes my baby is 2 months old. Life... well man is it crazy. She's changed so much it's unbelievable. The other day I went out driving to get her to fall asleep before we went to the grocery store. It didn't work out very well. As soon as I got into the store she woke up. I don't know if other moms do this, but when I take her out I start out with a low level of panic that just builds the longer we're in public and multiplies if she wakes up. To my surprise, she just sat there and looked around until she fell back asleep. She has started doing a lot more being awake and not crying. Sometimes I just sit there and make faces at her and talk with her for even a whole hour! She talks so much, and I can't seem to get it on camera, but whenever I put her up to my shoulder, her eyes get all wide and she opens her mouth like "EVERYTHING IS INTERESTING!!!!". It's hysterical. I crack up laughing every time. And she talks a lot. God she's reminding me of me. She wants to learn and see and be curious about everything in the world.
Her 2 month appointment was today and she is now 10lb 4oz and 21.5 inches long, which puts her in the 33rd and 20th percentiles respectively. She's still catching up from being so small at birth. She's gaining weight like a champ despite all the spitting up, so the doctors aren't concerned, but I did get the imaging referral. I don't want to expose her to X-Rays if I can help it, and the problem is intermittent, so I don't want to take her in case the problem only happens once in a while and they don't catch it, but I'm glad I have the papers.
Everything else checked out. She still has an umbilical hernia, but the doctor said it normally isn't a problem. She put Evie on her tummy and she just rolled over. The doctor was laughing about it. I said she was very determined, and if she didn't want to be on her tummy, she'd find a way not to be.
Getting the shots was horrible. Andy stayed with her and let her squeeze his finger. I was right there but had to turn my head. It was 3 separate needles in her teeny thighs. As soon as they were done he picked her up but I grabbed her away. I was crying. I couldn't help it. I immediately fed her and she stopped crying and she's been great all day. She's been sleeping which she never does, and when she hasn't been sleeping she's just been chillin'. She's such a good girl and I'm so proud.
Oh, and she's also gorgeous. Look at these lashes:
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