I spent most of the weekend trying not to worry. I was mostly successful. Andy was supposed to sign paperwork for his new job yesterday so he couldn't go to my appointment with me, and my mom went instead. My BP was high, as usual, but not like it was last week. I had an ultrasound first and got to see baby boy. He ended up with his little feet over his head just like his sister always had. The good news is he looks great. They didn't see any anomalies, and his growth is right on track. He was measuring 24w1d and I was 24w2d, but that's by LMP which might have been off by a day. They said he's just around the 50th percentile, which is great, and weighs about 1lb 7oz.
After the ultrasound we had a consultation. The doctor said he does not think I have Pre-E right now, but because it's so difficult to tell the difference between that and my kidney issue, I need serious monitoring. He said he won't induce prior to late pregnancy without concrete evidence that it's Pre-E, which means I might have to have some hospital monitoring. I'm OK with that since I want this baby to stay in unless he HAS to come out. He upped my BP meds again and said we have a lot of room before we're maxed out. I'm going to have LOTS of doctor's appointments and lots of blood tests as well, and he made sure I knew all the warning signs so I could head to the hospital if I thought things were going downhill. He said he will not let me go past 39 weeks (which happens to be E's birthday) but he indicated that we all know I'm not getting that far. Like "I can't predict the future, but...". And I knew that anyway. So it's kind of a "wait and see when you develop organ failure" game right now. Cool, huh? But at least I'm being closely monitored.
Right now I'm awaiting a call from the doctor. He was going to talk with my OB and let me know who I would be seeing. He actually called yesterday but I'd fallen asleep. Unfortunately he also said he got my blood tests back and I needed to call him. And that's never what you want to hear. So now I have to wait until they open and find out what happened with my blood work. I'm not excited. I will update when I hear!
For now, have a 3D photo of my son, who looks exactly like his daddy:
Edit: I finally got a hold of MFM. He and my regular OB decided to “co-manage” me. So I will se the regular OB every two weeks or so, and MFM every month. I have to send him my blood pressures every week, and will continue to have growth ultrasounds every month. He said right now my blood work shows NO signs of Pre-Eclampsia, and my creatinine has actually gone DOWN a little (1.53 to 1.4) so that’s good news, and now we have a good baseline to tell if it’s really going up. Also from yesterday, baby boy is measuring 24w1d (at 24w2d, but that could easily be off if I ovulated a day later or had my LMP wrong [obviously I wasn’t keeping track since I didn’t think it would matter!]) and he is 1lb7oz and in just about the 50th percentile which is GREAT news. Plenty of fluid, cervix long and closed, so basically no signs that this baby will be coming any time soon. That could all change very quickly so he gave me all the warning signs to know when I need to head to the hospital, but for now, things look good! YAY!!!
I am so happy that things are looking good! That's a great 3D photo :)