I'm still reeling a little bit from last week's news. Sometimes it's so hard to wrap my head around the fact that we defied so many odds by getting pregnant on our own. We're getting more and more excited as the days go by, but I remember more things that make me nervous, too. Since we weren't planning on transferring another embryo until at least around February (when this baby is due), I'm behind on my leave. I borrowed leave to take time off for Evie and I haven't paid it all back yet. And we have to think about daycare since my mom can't run around after 2 tiny babies. I mean E will be 2, but that's not an age where she can just sit in her room and play quietly for very long. E will be young enough that we'll need a double stroller still. It's just a lot of things we weren't prepared to have to think about yet. And please don't take that as a complaint. I'm thrilled and nervous about this baby. I want it to be OK and it's so early I'm worrying like crazy already. I just keep hoping and praying everything is alright.
My kidneys weren't ready, either. We were going to talk to my nephrologist this month about what's next, and where another baby may fit into out plans, with the understanding that he might say it doesn't at all. I am 30lb lighter than when I got pregnant with E, which is great. I hope that mitigates some of the issue. But I have no idea what to expect. I emailed him today and I see him on the 19th. Hopefully he'll be able to ease my mind a little. I really have no idea.
My symptoms have been pretty mild so far. Mostly I've been having issues with smells. I had some nausea on Friday but it's been mild since then. Which of course makes me worried. But my boobs are still hurting and I'm still extremely tired, so I'm trying not to worry myself. With Evie I didn't get real nausea until 5w3d, and I didn't throw up until 6w4d. Which of course means I'll be in IL and on an airplane if this pregnancy takes the same path. Maybe it won't be quite so bad this time but only time will tell.
I've been having fun looking at maternity things and baby stuff. Even though we have most of what we need, I need a toddler bed for E and a dresser, clothes if baby 2 is a boy, and I need a few things to supplement my pregnancy wardrobe. I have to look nicer at work than I did when I was pregnant with E, so even though it's the same season (baby 2 should arrive about a week before E's birthday) I need a few more things.
The other thing is my pants are already tight!!! What is that!? I think it's just because I've been SUPER thirsty and drinking like it's my job so I'm probably bloated with all of that fluid intake. I mean I can't have gained much since Wednesday. I was losing weight and I'm not eating THAT horrible. But I'll be wearing a lot of dresses for the rest of the summer. Pants are uncomfortable!
Really I'm just feeling blessed to be here again. Who knows if the docs would have ever signed off on another baby. This is a true miracle for us.
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