I will write more later, but for now, I wanted to let everyone know that Andrew Lee Sterlachini III was born on Wednesday, 01/15 at 10:48am weighing 4lb 7oz and 17 inches long. He was born at 33w4d. Little Andy is doing very well. He was on CPAP for one night but has been doing amazingly on room air since. He is in an isolette right now learning to regulate his temp, but he is on minimal fluids so I expect his IV to come out soon. He is drinking from a bottle like a champ, and I'm pumping but my milk still isn't in, so we are trying to nurse once a day just to get him used to it. We are incredibly blessed that he is doing so well. They say he could be here until he would have been 38 weeks but I think 2 weeks is more likely. He's just such a chill, quiet little man and we are so blessed to have him as part of our family!
I will post a birth story and info later, but I am still in the hospital. My kidney function got very bad and my BP won't stabilize but hopefully that will improve and I can leave soon. For now I'm just trying to enjoy being close to little man!
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