She's really become a pro at getting to a sitting position on her own, and we often find her sitting up playing with toys when we get her after naps. She pulls up on everything she can get her hands on (except her crib for some reason). She's still really wobbly, but she does pull to stand. She can crawl some, but doesn't like to. She prefers to roll around. She's been so incredibly talkative recently. She has always been a talker, but now it's getting even more fun and word-like.
Her sleeping patterns have been crazy for about two weeks. She spent 5 days waking up a lot, then 5 days mostly sleeping through the night. And the last three nights she's woken up a bunch very early. She goes to bed at about 7:15, and last night woke up at 7:45, 8:30, and 9:30. The last time I just peaked at the monitor and saw she was OK. She cried for maybe a minute and then went back to sleep. I usually give her some time before going in to get her because she tends to fall back asleep on her own, and I distract her too much.
I've been worrying about getting the house done in time for her birthday party. We still don't have real countertops and it's starting to make me nervous. I have so many ideas for her Bubble Guppies theme and I want everything to work out the way I see it in my head. And that requires having the house done. At least we're painting next weekend.
I've gotten her so many toys for Christmas, and I'm excited about the world of possibilities that opens up for her birthday. It's the end of February so it'll be almost time to head into Spring, which means I can get her outdoor toys (like a slide, a water table, and a ride-on giraffe!). Plus she'll be a year old and I can start getting her into things like Little People which are SO cute!
I just can't believe how fast time is passing by. It feels like I like every new age she hits better than the last, but I still miss her being a tiny baby. I was looking at pictures yesterday of her as a newborn and I can't believe that was this year. She's growing up so quickly and I'm not ready for it. Of course this has brought talk of baby number 2, which we're planning on transferring next Fall. I really want E to have a sibling, and I want to be pregnant again, so we'll see how that goes. I still need to lose 50lb and get my kidneys under control. I keep thinking I have time, but then I look at how fast this year has gone and think "Wait a minute. Next October is only 11 months away!".
We're gearing up for the holidays and I'm going to post some fun pictures of the house after this weekend. For now, please enjoy my little girl in her reindeer sleeper! Apologies for the second one being blurry. She was moving a lot but it was SO cute I had to post it!
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